Thursday 4 February 2016

Malaysian ART

ART, is the things that are created by humans. Creativity comes from the word 'create', and it can represent the meaning of perception, re-imagine or imagination. Once a creative person takes action to create something from his/her imagination, an art is formed.

There are plenty of artists in the world who's works are worth millions of dollar, but not in Malaysia. Since the old times, even until this modern era, we, Malaysian have a wrong perception towards artists. We think artist are all poor because Malaysia Arts do not have value. Why Malaysia Arts do not have value? The biggest reason is Malaysian did not know how to appreciate arts that are created by Malaysian artists. This is a sad truth that we did not proud of our own arts, instead we mostly are influenced by foreign culture, such as K-pop that influence young Malaysian the most.

However, there are an art form has value in Malaysia, which is commercial. Yes! Commercial is art, because it requires imagination to be created. One of the most appreciated series of commercials are Petronas TV commercials. Malaysian will look forward to the releasing of Petronas commercial in every festive season, such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Malay New Year), Chinese New Year, Deepavali (Indian New Year), and also the HARI MERDEKA (Malaysia Independent Day). Petronas is the company that starts to create a short film like TV commercial that convey meaningful message without product placement in every festive and Merdeka season.

Rubber Boy is the Chinese New Year 2016 short film commercial by Petronas.

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